Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A word from the Dad

OK, until now it's all been about Penny, so I thought I'd add my two cents...

We leave in a couple of days. So many people have asked me if i"m SO-O-O excited. I think I may have given the wrong impression by hesitating. I'm so excited that I can't sleep right at night. The only thing that worries me is pretty much the same as any new parent worries about...Am I up to the task? With Lily we have a great advantage (no diapers, no getting up every two hours for feedings -- like I did that), but I am concerned about her not wanting to come home with us. I'm concerned about the language barrier.

In my heart though, I know that everything was put into place by God to bring Lily to us (even when we doubted it because nothing seemed to go our way), and it was his intention for us to be together. Just thinking about this makes my heart stop beating too quickly and brings me an inner calm.

Adopting a child from anywhere was probably the furthest thing from my mind when Penny and I started our journey through life together, but now I can't imagine my life without this little girl whom I've never met. It's crazy how things can change your life.

Thanks to everyone who has not only shown an interest in our adventure, but who has supported us, helped us and added their strength to ours.

We love you all!

P.S. Three more sleeps.


  1. mrs. eckhardt please if you have an email give to me because i want to keep in touch with you!

  2. Hi Mrs Eckhardt. Lily is soooo cute! I miss you soooo much. Love Marina

  3. we too are so exited for you to go to china and bring your daughter lily rain (beautifull name!) home. you're right, she 's got cheeks for lots of kisses! We wish you all the best and we will check you blog for news!
    annette (and stef, pip & blue)

  4. Ken- you are too sweet. I have a feeling we have a 'Daddy's Little Girl' on the way! She is pretty lucky and I know that you feel the same way about her! Love you lots... POPS

  5. Congratulations and good luck to both of you! We adopted a 4-1/2 year old son in October and the language will soon prove to be no problem for either of you.

    I see that Lilly grew up in Beijing, so if you haven't already joined our group, we have a yahoo! group just for parents adopting from Beijing. Let me know if you want the address.
