Sunday, March 8, 2009

Meeting Lily

After we went to the orphanage we waited in a meeting room. We signed papers both with ink and we were also fingerprinted to authenticate our signatures. We were all STRESSED!! The boys werew quiet with wide eyes, Ken wasn't breathing and I went between the giggles and crying.  The lady from the orphanage then told us she was going to get her and we saw them walking down the stairs together and I lost it.

As soon as Lily saw us she started crying - a lot. She was crying for her Nai nai (her nanny) and said she wanted to go back home. She sobbed.  We clutched to the little poodle we gave her in her care package and wouldn't let go.  We just kept saying I am your mama, dada, brother over and over again and she just kept on crying. We were all crying at some point or another. 

Our guide, then carried her to the car for us while she mourned most of the way home.  She eventually came to sit on my lap still crying.  About 5 min from the hotel she stopped crying and clung to me with all her might.
   Just looking at these pictures makes me cry. She broke our hearts and just cried her eyes out. Ken just looked at me and "what did we do?" and I thought to myself "I have no idea!" This poor baby girl is tearing my heart in two.


  1. Ken and Penny,

    Couldn't sleep in today. Had to read the blog. Just remember when you were in labour with Ethan and Dillan. It wasn't easy on you or the baby. Remember all the trauma in giving birth? One thing was for sure though, you knew you had to get that baby out of there!

    Mike and Christy

  2. We're so happy for you! She will adjust- remember that she now has a family!!!! She just needs time. She's just beautiful- can't wait for her to get home!!! xo

  3. Thanks for allowing us to be a part of your "Incredible Journey "

    Love you ALL !

    Unc George Aunt Jack
