Monday, March 9, 2009

A funny mom story.

So since getting Lily, I have been a little obsessed about checking her over - weird I know.  When I give her a bath and wash her hair, I check for bumps or marks or lice on her head, when drying her off I make sure her mongol birth mark on her back just that and not bruises, when I paint her toenails I check to make sure she's got all of them and ask "are her toes long enough, webbed?" no she has perfect little toes.  Ken thinks I am nuts and I am not a worry wart it's just something I am doing and can't explain.  Anyways, so we bought her these adorable little chocolate brown ugg boots.  We put them on her yesterday and she loved them.  She then started walking funny, a little bow legged and limping.  So I kept watching her do this and getting more and more worried. Maybe she has something wrong with her leg, or her gait ahh.  It wasn't until we were at the Civil Affairs building signing our papers that I realized I forgot to take out the cardboard and tissue paper. The poor thing had her toes all cramped up in half the boot, not complaining and STILL loving the Uggs!


  1. See, Sheri and I are normal!!! and when you get home you won't let anyone babysit. We miss all of you.

  2. You are not are just being a Mom...a very caring, loving and special Mom!!!
    With everything you have on your mind, you are bound to forget somethings....tissue and cardboard in boots.....different! LOL
    Love the pic...big brothers and little sister.
    Much Love to all.
    Auntie Susie

  3. you make me LOL! See its ALL normal ;)

  4. My guess is this girl will have the most fabulous shoes her whole life...even if they hurt her feet! Make some more closet room!

  5. Hope had the same marks on her back and it does freak you out a bit because they did look like bruises running along her spine. I had to do some research myself when I noticed them. :-) They do seem to fade over time.

  6. That is funny. Wait til she gets her first pair of church heels. She'll have to practice walking in those for sure.
    Super cute!
