Tuesday, March 3, 2009



It's Tuesday - only 3 more days left!!!

We received an update from our agency's director: this week she actually met Lily!!!!!  She said that she is beautiful, happy, healthy, definitely a leader (oh no:)  and not chubby. For those of you that know the weird dreams I am having that will make you laugh.  I am so relieved and at peace to know that she is doing well. She must have been brought back to the orphanage to get ready for the adoption.  In less than a week she will be our daughter.  Many people are asking how we are doing and if we are excited.  A couple of days ago I would have said more scared than anything but now we are calm and anxiously awaiting her arrival:)  We are packed and all the horrendous amounts of paperwork are done.  Just a few more odds and ends and we are done thanks to the help of our family and friends.  Lily - here we come...
.Look at those cheeks!!!!!!!!!

My thoughts these days are constantly on Lily.  My heart aches for her and what she will have to endure in the next week.  She won't know what is going on and who these crazy white people are that are taking her away from the only family she knows. Please keep her in your prayers that she can feel our love and know that she will be taken care of and of course adored.  I truly hope that her transition is an easy one and I know she will grieve but that attachment will come quickly.  

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry... she will quickly forget what she has left behind in China when she feels the love from her amazing new family!!! And of course extended family (Auntie POPS included). I hope that you have a truly wonderful experience with the boys and meeting your new little girl... I am so excited for you and I can't wait until you get home with your new little girl!!
