Friday, March 20, 2009

We're home!!!

Yeah - we made it!!  It is so nice to be home. I feel so much more relaxed and didn't realize how tense I was. I realized I was all stressed out because everyone is watching you and how you react to this child who is testing you. We are home and she is relaxed and happy. She slept in her new room all night long.  

The flight itself was pretty good - we had a rough start though.  About an hour into the flight, Ken had to go to the washroom and there was a line-up.  He was gone for about 15 minutes - disaster.  I was sitting with Lily when she started to explode!!!  She first started calling Baba and after about 5 minutes full on SCREAMING!!! People were trying to give me toys, food anything. She would look at me and look so angry that I was keeping her from Baba and just scream at the top of her lungs and then the crying started - absolute wailing - she got herself so worked up that she puked all over herself, me and the puke bag! This in only the first hour of a 14 hour flight - I was a little stressed.  I took her in the washroom where she proceeded to scream her head off at me, cleaned us up as best as I could and rocked her to sleep - phew!!  She slept for most of the flight and was a really good girl.  Waking moments had to be with daddy.  When we all got to TO she was a bit of a stinker, running around at customs, rolling on the floor at the baggage claim because daddy went to go get the luggage - I love everyone staring at me wondering why I had this psycho child.  

By the time we got out the doors and saw Kelly waiting for us I was on the verge of tears and said "here you go meet your aunt" and handed her over. Not the "Welcome to Canada" I  was experiencing but we had just travelled for over 20 hours, were hot and exhausted.

Once at home, there were welcome home banners and balloons. She ran around with the boys and explored everything. She seems very comfortable and happy. We will see how the next few days pan out as she settles down - should be interesting!    


  1. Hey guys! just read the blog from beginning to end...I've laughed and cried so much for all of you! You are truly an amazing family (of 5)and I'm so proud to know you and love you.Relax a little now if you can and enjoy your precious little girl. She couldn't have found a more loving family or a brighter future anywhere in the world!
    with tons of hugs and kisses, Kand and the Krew

  2. Yay! You're home! I'm so happy that you guys are home safe. I know you'll be getting so many phone calls so I thought sending a note would be best. To see Lily in her room...!!! sniff sniff! I'm so excited for you and especially for sweet Lily's new life. Can't wait to meet her. The poor thing must be so overwhelmed with all the kisses that she's getting from all these strange people that are her new family. Love to all and we'll keep on praying for you all!

  3. This picture of her holding the remote made me laugh right out loud. Queen of the remote after one day. We will try our best not to smother you and her when we see you. It will not be easy. Hope puked on me in-flight once. It's a very funny story (now) that I'll tell you sometime. We love you guys.

  4. She was so good when you landed. She came right to me and was play hitting me with the flower, I don't think I gave her much of a choice. When we got to the car, she pretended to drive and kept flashing the headlights at the people in front of us when you guys were packing the luggage. She is awesome. We are going to have so much fun with her.

  5. hi Mrs. Eckhardt,
    this is Simon from your class. i am happy that you have Lily now. i also saw the pictures you took in China. Lily is very pretty and cute. i hope you come back soon and i am looking forward to seeing Lily. i have a question,are you coming back to teach us again. Some how,i don't no why,but i just want to be with you in China!
    i actualy miss you...a lot!
    Well,if you want to know how my sister is doing,i'll tell you.She spend most of her time sleeping and eating!
    Do you have a e-mail accont,my is


    P.S.i will be waiting for a respond from my e-mail accont.
    One more thing,do you even have chinese money?
