Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ken's birthday

My two littlest angels are still sleeping in my room.  Dylan had a hard day yesterday and was a little emotional so I am glad he is getting some rest.  

Today is Ken's birthday - Happy Birthday Ken!!!  

Being the bad wife - and the fact that we were al puking the week we left for China, I forgot to even pack him a card :(  Oops, hopefully he will understand). We are going shopping today so we will get him something there.  

The adoption is supposed to be finalized today - that would be a great present for him!!! 


  1. happy birthday Ken! we wish you all a great day! stef, annette &the girls

  2. Happy Birthday Uncle Ken!!! He has a lot of cards waiting for him when he gets home. Please post more pictures soon....if you can :o)

  3. and Tim wanted me to tell you that all of my messages are from him and me!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Ken!!!!
    Enjoy your Day! :)

  5. Let's hope the bureaucrats had their Starbucks and are chipper today...maybe they'll move a little faster and you'll get that special birthday gift of finalizing the paper work. Lily's all yours!! Happy Birthday! (hope Dyl is feeling better today too ;-)...tell him Sam says 'hi'!)

  6. Happy Birthday Ken! I hope you had the best birthday! Love, POPS

  7. What an incredible birthday gift! To officially have your daughter become 'yours' on your birthday. What a blessing you are to this beautiful little girl, and what an wonderful family you are. You're in our thoughts and prayers always. Love Sarah, Evan and Cayden
