Friday, March 13, 2009

The big group.

Everyone with our agency all came back to Beijing last night. They were in their child's provinces this week meeting their children and finalizing the adoptions. In total their are about 10 families and 10 precious little girls who have found their forever families.  There are 3 - three year old girls, 3-4 two year olds and the rest are around one. They are all so precious.  Of these little girls all of them are quiet, shy and just beginning to come out of their quiet little shells and then of course you have LILY!!!

The other familes are so laughing at us because we have this little girls who is marching around in her pigtails totally out-going, loud and silly.  You can hear her coming a mile away - that little girl scream again!  She has definitely come out of her shell and is one funny little girl with attitude.  I am a little afraid:)
We went out for a nice dinner last night and all of a sudden Lily started screaming and bawling. I couldn't calm her down so I took her outside. I asked one of the servers to ask her what was wrong and she told her "my baba - not gege's" in other words that is my daddy and not brothers daddy. Dylan had just crawled up on Ken's lap and she did not like that!

She is giving us all lots of kisses and is very happy and fast!


  1. Couldn't sleep so I had to come check for updates. I love it!!!

  2. She sounds wild and crazy like her momma!! I love it too!!!.....

  3. I get teary again reading this, because I am so happy that she is so full of life and really, could you ask for a more perfect family fit?! And a spirited-child is definitely one of the most loving you can get...albiet the spirit comes with many parenting challenges...the intensity of love is almost unmatched!
