Thursday, March 12, 2009

A new day!

Everyone seemed to have a really good sleep last night and we are all in a good mood for a change:)  We had no plans this morning so Lily and I went to the bank, shopping and picked up some yummy looking things are the bakery. Ken and the boys are exploring and swimming. Lily is doing really well today no screaming so far :)  

We are meeting our guide at around 1:00 so I just put Lily down for a nap.

While Lily and I were out shopping many people stop me and say - your baby looks Chinese. I always tell them that she is and can speak Mandarin too.  They try talking to her but she won't speak a word to them.  We are also getting used to the stares.  I don't mean an indiscreet stare but someone could be standing right beside you, turn their whole body and stare right at you, you look and smile and they keep on staring.  It feels a little weird but it's just seems like something that's acceptable in their culture so we deal with it.  It ma
kes us feel a little awkward but it's getting better.  Every single person that has encountered us has been so kind and happy that we are getting over the fact that they are staring but instead chalk it up to just being curious as to why us white folk are walking around with a little asian girl:)

The shopping is a little crazy - think of the farmers market all packed with people and stalls everywhere.  This is similar but with clothes and clothes and everything else. 4 or 5 floors of stuff, you go from vendor to vendor and everyone is trying to sell you something. I keep getting overwhelmed and never buy anything. They have every name brand you can think of but usually only 1 of everything.  It's crazy!

Lily has completely confiscated my IPOD now. She hasn't taken it off all morning and loves listening to the music. She may not come home speaking English but man she will be singing some serious ABBA!!

The boys are just awesome with her.  Dylan plays and plays with her and Ethan will do anything she asks. They are having a lot of fun being big brothers!


  1. You are lucky she still naps at 3 1/2 yrs. Cannon stopped napping before he turned 2!

    Does Lily dance to the iPod music too? That woudl be so cute to see.

  2. That is so cute that she loves ABBA! I hope that you guys can enjoy your time for the rest of the week now that you are well rested and used to eachother. Now you can have some fun! Miss you lots and I am SO excited for you to come home so I can meet Lily too! Love, POPS xoxxoxoxox

  3. Pretty soon we are going to have enough kids in the family to do the Mamma Mia musical for mom and dad!
