Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who is this little girl..

I was looking at some old photos from China and I can't believe that this little girl is the same one here today.  She looks so little and sad in this photo and resembles nothing of the Lily we know today. 

 Even though there were so seriously difficult and emotional times I still feel like I should be pinched because everything is going so well.  For the last 2 weeks we have had no screaming fits, meltdowns or huge battle of wills.  Things have been going very well with Lily - she is doing a great job!!

We also were given an amazing shower at church (thanks Ang and Jo).  Lily received so many nice clothes and toys - she was thrilled!  When we first got there she was a little overwhelmed and would only go to Daddy and was acting up quite a bit. Once she assumed everyone "forgot" about her she was great! She rode her scooter, bike and helped open all her presents.  She got so many awesome things that she is fully outfitted for this year and next.  We are just so surrounded by people that love and support us it is often overwhelming.  Ken and I both could only get out a few words of thanks until we started blubbering:)  I hope everyone knew how appreciative we were.

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